Weight Loss

Healthy whole foods mixed together near a grocery bag showing that the single best way to lose 100 pounds is by eating healthy whole foods.

The absolute best way to lose 100 pounds

I’m sure you have seen an endless number of articles that offer a long list of “ways to lose weight”. Some of this advice can be a little overwhelming… and the results that come from trying to focus on 50 little things, instead of a few of the most important […]

Escaping obesity in America with natural, whole, healthy foods. Learn how to start eating healthy and lose weight in America

Escaping Obesity in America with Healthy Foods

In today’s world, obesity in America has become as normal as chubbiness once was, and it’s no wonder… seeing as everything that surrounds us in modern society stacks the odds against our health and our dreams of getting in shape. In America the typical diet is filled with fast food, […]

Losing weight can greatly improve your self-confidence. Think of how much more confident you'll be after transforming yourself to motivate yourself

Discovering Your “Why” Part 6- To lose weight for self-confidence

Having more self-confidence is an amazing reward that comes with losing weight, and it positively affects every part of your life. In this series, we have already mentioned how your confidence can improve with concern to a few specific areas in life, such as dating, and social confidence… But gaining […]

Finding motivation to lose weight in improving your health can be a powerful source of motivation

Discovering Your “Why” Part 3- To lose weight for your health

Welcome to part 3 of the discovering your why for weight loss series. In this part it’s all about the motivation to lose weight that your internal health inspires. If you missed the introduction article that explains what finding your why is and how powerful it can be for long-term […]

From obese to fit, what it is like for men to go through a significant weight loss journey

What it’s like for men to lose weight

Have you ever wondered what it would be like, and feel like, to be a guy who is in great shape? It’s a profound and motivating thought… to connect your mind with what life might be like if you shed your extra weight and got in the best shape of […]

Obese weight loss tips that are just for those who have a long journey ahead of them, and have a large amount of weight to lose

Weight loss tips for obese people

Finding good weight loss tips for obese people can be hard, because not everyone knows what it’s like to be obese. Below are weight loss tips for obese people specifically. If you want more tips that will tell you how to lose healthy weight in general, check out my top […]