Weight Loss

Fish, tomatoes, blueberries, beans, and other healthy foods- Use these 3 super effective weight loss tips that make losing weight easy

My top 3 weight loss tips that helped me lose 80 pounds

It’s hard to narrow down the things that helped me the most with losing weight to only 3 weight loss tips… but after careful consideration I have found that the three things listed below were the absolute most effective methods that I utilized to lose a significant amount of weight […]

10 Weight loss tips that make losing weight easy

The following weight loss tips are not just a random list of minor tips that will help you burn a little fat, these are 10 extremely important, major weight loss tips that are at the very core of what’s required for healthy, sustainable, and rapid weight loss. These tips helped […]

Learning how to eat healthy for picky eaters doesn't have to be stressful, even if there are lots of foods you don't like, there are still plenty left to discover, which you can eat, enjoy, and lose weight with

How I got over picky eating to lose weight

Eating healthy hasn’t always been easy for me. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t just a matter of discipline and changing my habits… I also had to get over an actual fear of healthy foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Losing weight when you are a picky eater can be […]

The story of my transition from eating an unhealthy diet to eating super healthy, and what I ate to lose weight the healthy way

The foods that made me fat, and what I ate to lose weight

People often say, “you are what you eat,” and I am a testament to the truth of that statement. When you eat junk, your body turns into junk. But when you eat healthy, nutritious food, your body responds by returning to its natural, healthy, lean state. I struggled with my […]

Why is losing weight so hard? There are lots of things that make it difficult, but each of them can be overcome to make your healthy journey easier

Why losing weight is so hard, and how to make it easier

If you are wondering why it is so hard to lose weight, you are not alone. Weight loss may be difficult, but the rewards that come with a successful transformation are immense, and make all of your hard work and dedication pay off many times over. Everyone who goes through […]

The quickest way to lose weight is simply by eating natural foods and getting lots of exercise. Discover the steps you'll need to take to lose weight fast and naturally

How to lose weight fast and naturally

Lots of people don’t think of natural weight loss as being fast, but doing things the natural and healthy way is actually the quickest way to lose weight. You might be excited to find that learning how to lose weight fast isn’t all about working harder. I believe in working […]

A mix of healthy and natural foods- Learn how to stick to a diet so you can stay on track with your weight loss efforts

How to stick to a healthy diet

Sometimes sticking to your diet can be really hard. Even when you’re doing everything right and seeing results from your efforts, it can still be tough to make changes and stick with them long enough to reach your goal. Transitioning to a healthy diet can be hard, but sticking to […]

Important things to remember when you feel like giving up on weight loss, that will prevent you from giving up dieting for good, and keep you taking action until you reach your ideal body.

5 Things to remember before giving up on losing weight

Weight loss is a difficult endeavor that requires not just ongoing motivation, but also the ability to regain your confidence when you feel like giving up on losing weight. All too often, this struggle leads to feeling hopeless, starting over, or even giving up dieting for good. With practicing a […]

Finding you why for weight loss is the strongest motivation you can find for losing weight and staying focused on your healthy journey

Finding your “Why” for weight loss

There are a seemingly endless number of rewards that come along with losing weight, but finding your “Why” for weight loss means discovering the one dream that means more than anything else to you, and letting it become a strong source of motivation for staying on track with your weight […]

Get inspired, and start looking forward to the advantages of losing weight after you make the decision to start making healthy changes

11 Exciting benefits of losing weight

There are so many benefits of losing weight that it would be impossible to mention them all. Everyone has at least one thing that they look forward to when thinking of life after losing weight, and many of us have many things we look forward to after getting in shape. […]