5 Ways To Balance Your Diet With Your Social Life

Eating healthy food with friendsOne of the most challenging parts of staying on track with your diet is when you are away from home, and surrounded by unhealthy food and social pressure.

A lot of people eat very healthy when they are by themselves, but find it too hard to resist junk when out with friends and family.

There is no need for your diet to fall apart due to your social life, and just the same there is no need for your social life to suffer because of your diet.

The situations that you find yourself in may not have ideal health conditions, but by being smart about your choices and doing a little preparation, you can reach your goals at the pace you want without having to sacrifice how much fun you have in your personal life.

1. Eat before you go out

Eating something healthy before you leave the house is the first thing that you can do to keep control over your diet when you go out. It can either prevent you from having to stop for food altogether, or it can help you eat less if you know you’re going to be eating.

Of course, if you plan to eat while you are out then you don’t want to completely ruin your appetite… but eating something healthy before you leave can give you the freedom to eat light or not at all.

2. Take healthy snacks with you

The next thing you can do to stay on track with your diet while not interrupting your social life, is to actually take healthy snacks with you as either a planned meal or just in case of emergency.

I don’t care how dedicated you are to a healthy diet, if you are in public and you get hungry, you’re going to find something to eat nearby.

But keeping something healthy in the car or your bag can easily prevent you from eating something you really didn’t want to.

I like to take peanuts and an apple with me wherever I go so that when I can’t make it home to eat, I don’t have to compromise my healthy day.

If I do decide to have some pizza with friends, having a healthy snack allows me to have one piece instead of three, which is an incredible reduction in empty carbs and bad fat.

Staying on track with weight loss can be difficult when you are out with friends. Learn how to stick to your healthy diet while still having a fun social life | TheShapeWithin.com

3. Make the healthiest choice that you can

The restaurant, event, or friend’s house that you are at may not have the healthiest options available, but that doesn’t mean that trying to make a better choice won’t make a huge difference.

When you do decide to let loose a little, it doesn’t mean that you have to give in completely and feel that the situation is helpless. Simply do the best that you can, and make an improvement over what your normal habits would be.

If you have the option to choose chicken over a burger, do it. If you can choose water over soda, that will make an incredible impact reduction in your calorie consumption, even if the rest of your meal isn’t perfect.

Consider skipping the chips and especially the soda when you are out with friends, and know that even though your habits for the day weren’t perfect… you still made an improvement that will lead you toward your goals!

4. Don’t overdo it

After trying to make the healthiest choice you can, the next step is to practice moderation.

As mentioned above, eating before you go out and taking food with you can really help to control how much you eat while you are away from home, but it will still be up to you to make the choice not to overeat.

It’s easy to get into an all or nothing mentality, where once you “give in” to a craving, you feel that all is lost and give up for the day.

When you indulge a little, don’t let it make you feel guilty and then spiral out of control, have just a little and be proud of your reservation.

You may be surprised at how little unhealthy food will affect your results if you practice moderation.

5. Learn to say no

When it comes down to it you have to be able to say no. Not only to say no to your own cravings, but also to others when they offer you food.

I am very stubborn when it comes to this. I will turn down food in the most pressuring social situations and not think twice about it, which has played a key role in staying on track in my 80-pound weight loss transformation.

Sometimes you’ll have no problem with cravings, but the pressure from others to have a little of what they are having will change your decision.

Ultimately it is completely up to you what you consume, and you should not let others pressure you into giving in if you don’t want to.

Be confident about your decision and people will not press you so much. Rather than saying, “Well, I would but…” or “I really shouldn’t…” just say, “No, thank you,” and let them know that you have a very strict diet so that they understand you’re not trying to be rude.

No matter how nice you say it, you are still bound to get the “look” from someone when you turn down food, but remember that that look is a reflection of them feeling uncomfortable about their habits, not yours, so don’t let it bother you too much. Just do what’s good for you.

Once you get used to turning down food nicely but firmly, you’ll be able to go just about anywhere and feel like you have complete control over what you eat. So what if it’s your boss’s birthday…? If you don’t want any cake, don’t have any, period.

You have complete control over how your social life affects your diet, and though you may have to make a few adjustments you don’t ever have to feel that you have to decline an invitation to stay on track with your diet.

Want to get started losing weight the healthy way? Sign up below to get your free 8-week diet and exercise plan, or read more about the 8-week challenge here!

How to stay on track with your diet when you are with friends - Find how to balance your diet with your social life | TheShapeWithin.com

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